WebMonitor Section
WebMonitor Section
- When Kaspersky is not licensed, the message displayed is to update to Unified Protection
- YouTube is set to Always Allowed but videos do not load
- "Save to Disk" and "Non-Cached Download" buttons not showing when language is set to Italian or Chinese
- "Save to Disk" does not work when downloading from FTP
- Active Directory groups cannot be added to policies
- All sites categorized as 'Unknown' by GFI WebMonitor
- Anonymization Password is lost or forgotten ( ONLY)
- Anti-Virus Scanner/WebGrade Database update notifications are sent even though it has been disabled
- Auto-complete for users and groups might fail under certain pages when using a Web Filtering or Web Security license key
- AV engines appear as "not licensed" in the Security Engines Page
- Blocking the 'Generic site Streams' category is not working as expected
- Bitdefender updates are failing with error System.Net.WebException: error from remote server 416
- button "Go Back" is not working after downloading a file
- Can Antivirus or Backup software be installed on a machine running GFI WebMonitor?
- Can GFI WebMonitor be installed on a Microsoft TMG Server with Malware protection enabled?
- Can GFI WebMonitor filter malware on emails received through OWA
- GFI WebMonitor Monitoring Internet Activity over Wireless Connections
- Can GFI WebMonitor Standalone Proxy Version be chained with Microsoft TMG?
- Can GFI WebMonitor support High-Availability and Load Balancing?
- Can I exclude computer accounts and other IPs or users from being counted against GFI WebMonitor's license?
- Can I update multiple installations using a single download of the WebGrade database?
- Can I use authentication for email notifications in GFI WebMonitor?
- Can I use smtp.gmail.com as a means of sending emails from GFI WebMonitor?
- Can the default port of 1007 be changed?
- Cannot send files through www.wetransfer.com
- Certain policies are not been applied correctly
- Changes in System Requirements
- Cloned reports cannot be edited when anonymization is enabled
- Chinese characters in report title not displayed properly when displaying a report
- Cloned reports display 'No data available' when anonymization is enabled