You often face issues where the local disk drive gets filled up causing the proxy service to stop. You noticed that the 'Proc' folder runs a large number of files, and would like to know if this folder can be moved to another location such as another dedicated disk.
The 'Proc' folder stores downloaded web content that is scanned and cached by WebMonitor and, if the internet speed is faster, the amount of content can increase rapidly.
First, check the configuration for the cache file size to save space:
- Open the GFI WebMonitor Management Console.
- Select the Gear icon in the top right, and click on Settings.
- Select Proxy Settings on the left, and click on Caching.
- Select On to enable the caching feature, choose the size limit of the caching, and the directory to store the caching information in the appropriate fields.
- Click on Save to apply the changes once you are done.
For GFI WebMonitor 2015 and above the values for the 'Proc' folder cannot be amended but the location can be changed in the registry. For changing the folder location, please refer to the steps in the Changing the Location of the Proc Folder in WebMonitor article according to your version.